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Complete Search Engine Optimization guide for beginners

Every beginner in the field of blogging or web designing will ask the same question-“What is SEO and why do we need this?” Through this article, I will give you full information and help you in realizing the importance of it for good and efficient web site

SEO stand for “Search Engine Optimization”. Now let me give you a brief explanation. If you have to search anything on internet, you open search engines like Google, yahoo,  bing or any other and then search your topic there. After that you will get a list of websites opening on 1st page. This numbering of website depends on how well websites has been built and how well SEO work has been done on them. Web Site with proper Search Engine Optimization will always remain at top. Every web site owner always like to bring his/her website at the top of Google or any other search engine ranking. This page ranking totally depends on how well search engine optimization has been done on that web site.

SEO is not meant only for web sites. This could also work with blogs, articles or anything else. Proper optimization means getting lots of genuine traffic. Here are few techniques you should keep in mind while operating on this technique. Domain name having registration of more than 1 year is very good for this optimization process. You can also work with your new domain or blog but old is gold. ”Meta Tags“ should be used as they help in search engines to find your web site or blog. You web site should be about particular topic. Don’t change the base of your Web page .For example-if your web site is about Hollywood, don’t suddenly start posting about sports or anything else. Start submitting your web site on various search engines. There are various free web site submission sites on Google. You should search them via Google and submit your web page or blog on them. This will definitely bring huge traffic to your site. Try to use unique content. I have seen many guys who used to copy content from other’s blog or free articles sites. This will not help in bringing genuine traffic. Always go for genuine and unique content with lots of keywords.

There are various SEO related tips. These tips are basically for beginners who have just stepped in the field of web designing or blogging. At the end of the day, the only thing you want is lots and lots of hits on your page. This thing can be reached by proper optimization techniques on your web site. Follow all above mentioned tips while creating a web site. This is a bit complex process of getting hits but sooner or later, you will realize that it is really the best technique to get sure shot hits. Enjoy!!!!!

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